“ Healer Know Thyself ”
Socrates, inscription at the forecourt of the Temple Of Delphi

About me…
Ever since Lucia was a child she has been in touch with the multi dimensional nature of life, and deeply curious about 'Why as humans we do what we do'.
As a child, she noticed the words adults spoke often never seemed to match the actions taken.
Why was that? Was anyone else aware of this?
Retrospectively, she can now see the deep cultural denial that we are only just beginning to wade through like a never ending seventies hangover of ‘say nothin's’ littered through our history like a well seasoned steak tartar hold the egg!
Deeply curious and often with a beginner's mind, she began her Sheros’ journey at 11 years old, diving into her depths to befriend and heal her shadows, familial patterns and spiritual legacies. Having learned mainly through trials by fire, many times passed through the fires within that temper and strengthen , Lucia is super passionate about sharing with others this magical and alchemical process of becoming the Cheerleader that was needed when younger.
Her dream is that every human being may learn how to shine and feel comfortable in the spotlight of their own divine nature.
Free from societal, parental/ historic, spiritual and self-imposed constraints.
For the last 20 years, Lucia's work has been primarily in the physical body, with Sports massage, NoHands massage, Holistic therapies and Energy healing.
She found the profound nature of healing touch would allow huge shifts within the mental body and energetic body, where her clients would readily share their story and sometimes traumatic pain. To hold this SAFELY, she decided to study Gestalt Therapy 12 years ago. As part of that journey, she has worked as a counsellor within NHS primary care, hospice and end of life care, corporate and industrial environments, facilitated groups and one to one private sessions.
She has held educational workshops in body process, both at home and internationally and is keen to serve her home community.
Lucia is fully insured, is under strict supervision and works from a trauma informed approach with a deep level of skill, sensitivity and understanding.
If you would like to book in for any treatment mentioned above or have any further enquiries feel free to contact her at: